Surviving Difficult Customers



Let’s be honest, any kind of interaction with another human being has its complexities, but some interactions are more complex than others, like in Customer Service.

We’ve identified 3 types of customers that are particularly challenging:

The Impatient One: they’re in a hurry and they let you know it.

What should you do?
  • Handle them firmly.
  • Don’t get intimidated or lose your cool.
  • Tell them you understand and that you’ll try to help them as quickly as possible.

The Angry One: They’re aggressive whether you help them or not.

What should you do?
  • Never lose your cool. Remember, the customer might be going through a tough time.
  • Be transparent and honest about the solution they’re asking for.
  • Never, ever hang up on them or let your emotions take over.

The Distracted One: Their lack of attention can be frustrating.

What should you do?
  • Arm yourself with patience.
  • Constantly check to make sure they understand what you’re saying.
  • Speak in simple language and kindly suggest they take notes.

Keep these 6 things in mind when dealing with difficult customers:

Stay calm: try to de-escalate the situation.
It’s not personal: they’re not mad at you.
Sympathize: let them know you understand.
Be understanding: try to see the discomfort they’re going through.
Apologize for any inconvenience if you feel it’s necessary.
Resolve it: aim for effective communication and let them know the solution.

Surviving Difficult Customers

Let’s be honest, any kind of interaction with another human being has its complexities, but some interactions are more complex than others, like in Customer Service. We’ve identified 3 types of customers that are particularly challenging: The Impatient One: they’re

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